Make A Hypertufa Birdbath

Our favorite garden accessory is our hypertufa birdbath. I always wanted a vessel with a wide shallow basin instead of the two-piece pottery ones you see for sale everywhere. Regular birdbaths served us well enough, but after a succession of broken and cracked tops, we wanted a better solution.

My friend showed me her hypertufa birdbath and I was sold. She was even kind enough to lend me her mold, a snow saucer! I’m indebted to her for sharing her creativity with me, and now I’m passing her secret along to you.

Tips for Cut Flower Arrangements

Cut flowers in the house are always welcome, never more so than at the height of your garden’s beauty. Bringing some of nature’s magic inside lifts the spirit, a tonic for all that ails us. When we walk into a room and see artfully arranged flowers, the combination of fragrance, color and greenery says “sparkling freshness” like nothing else.

At its simplest, all you need are flowers, water, a pair of shears and a container to create an instant bouquet. Sometimes that’s exactly what’s called for. Indulging in a few cheerful sprays for the kitchen windowsill or table is so satisfying!

But why stop there?

On days when you have the time, take a few minutes to create a centerpiece that wows everyone, including you. Not to the level of “wedding reception” mind you– professional flower arranging is an art unto itself. I’m talking about simple bouquets anyone can make at home for your living room, foyer, home office, or a friend.

Ordering Plants By Mail

A selection of print catalogs from years past

As the new year begins, piles of garden catalogs stuffed with all manner of flowers, veggies, seeds and bulbs start deluging our mailboxes. Those glossy photos look so tempting as we flip the pages and sip our tea. Whether we’re in a buying mood or not, it’s exciting to peruse new varieties and ponder others we still haven’t gotten around to acquiring but keep thinking about.

So you circle one here, dog-ear a page there… Finally you decide to commit your choices to the order form and hit send.

Or maybe not.

Maybe you just don’t trust mail order. Or you had a bad experience years ago and swore Never again. But mail ordering living plant material has come a long way. Let me lay out the pros and cons of gardening by mail.