August 27 – Because I lost my husband this past June, for the immediate future there will be very few updates to this site as I tend to my private life. Just browse the quick link index for past posts and photos to explore.

In the meantime, take a stroll through the summer garden.

Ever wonder what it must be like to look at a flower from a bee’s point of view? A macro lens on my camera lets me get up close and personal with A Bee’s Eye View.

Quick Link Index

Plant Inventory List 2023


About Me

Further Reading (updated 2.8.24)



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  1. Adrienne,
    I thought I had a good garden book library but your list was excellent! Lots of books I didn’t know about. The movie was so moving. So disturbing what these people are living through. I truly can’t imagine. Thank you so much for your newsletter! I truly enjoyed it.

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