Intriguing Iris

Mixed bearded iris

Irises are one of those flower families you either like quite a bit or not at all, perhaps unfairly. There are dozens of cultivars, so there’s bound to be something worth considering if you don’t currently grow them. If bearded iris aren’t your thing, the more demure beardless types might tempt you. Keep keep an open mind as we explore some possibilities.

Peony All-Stars

Vivid Rose’s petal edges turn silvery for a lovely effect

For a superb cutting flower with “wow” presence, the familiar peony still ranks among the best perennials you can grow. If you haven’t thought about peonies in a while, it’s time to reconsider. Many are wonderfully fragrant too. These long-lived charmers will reward you with glorious spring blooms for decades.

Taking Stock of Winter’s Losses

In these difficult times, I don’t have to tell you that not everything goes as planned– and that applies to gardening too. I’ve been outside checking to see what’s coming up, what’s been nibbled or dug up, and for one reason or another, didn’t survive. It turns out this year was especially hard on many plants.