Brighten Shade with Astilbes

Move over, ferns and hostas…there’s nothing quite like astilbes, or false goat’s beard, to bring flair and panache to the shadier nooks in our gardens. Their elegant plumes contribute rich color and height from late spring into early summer, and again in late summer. Even when out of bloom, the attractive foliage stays neat and tidy before gradually going dormant.

Astilbes are a dream to work with. Excellent understory plants, they work under deciduous trees and among a wide range of shade-loving species. This useful perennial is a “must-have” for any location that’s not in strong sun. They do well in heavy clay, too, a bonus here in eastern Pennsylvania.

Peony All-Stars

Vivid Rose’s petal edges turn silvery for a lovely effect

For a superb cutting flower with “wow” presence, the familiar peony still ranks among the best perennials you can grow. If you haven’t thought about peonies in a while, it’s time to reconsider. Many are wonderfully fragrant too. These long-lived charmers will reward you with glorious spring blooms for decades.

Taking Stock of Winter’s Losses

In these difficult times, I don’t have to tell you that not everything goes as planned– and that applies to gardening too. I’ve been outside checking to see what’s coming up, what’s been nibbled or dug up, and for one reason or another, didn’t survive. It turns out this year was especially hard on many plants.