As we retreat from the chill of outdoors to the comfort of the couch, it’s time to start thinking about next year’s garden. How’s your winter bird life? Could it be better? If you’d like to attract a greater variety of birds than you’re getting now, consider adding plants next year which will naturally supplement their diet with nutritious seeds and berries. And, find out what not to plant.
Today In the Garden
The Main Buzz
Fall Color: What A Difference A Year Makes
So, how much was fall color really delayed this year? Here are three views of my garden, each taken a year apart. See what you think.
Gallery: Longwood Meadow
More breathtaking images of the meadow at Longwood by staff member Matthew Ross. Many thanks to Matt Ross, Matt Thomas and Longwood Gardens for allowing me to share them. Matt certainly captured the meadow’s stunning beauty in this special collection.