
This site’s content is written from personal experience as a combination of editorial fact and opinion.  As the author I take full responsibility for any errors, typos or inadvertent omissions.

I try to verify factual information using at least one reputable academic accredited source, such as books authored by a recognized horticultural authority and science-based websites with accredited staff. See my Further Reading page for book sources.

If I discover a mistake after publication, I correct it immediately. This usually happens when I misidentify a cultivar I planted or discover a typo. I try to keep accurate records, but I sometimes make mistakes like everyone else. If you find an error, please bring it to my attention in the Comments so I can fix it.

I occasionally use images found online to illustrate my editorial content. I credit the image source or photographer when known.

A representative list of sites and organizations I often consult for fact-checking includes but is not limited to the following:

Mt. Cuba

Penn State Agricultural Extension



Longwood Gardens Continuing Education Classes and materials

Missouri Botanical Gardens Plant Finder

Native Plant

Cornell Lab of Ornithology