Bellflowers, sometimes called harebells, belong to the genus Campanula, named for the bell-shaped flowers they bear. Encompassing over 500 species and subspecies, bellflowers includes tall upright forms to creeping ground covers. Native to temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, most hail from the Mediterranean and Asia, with a few native to North America.
No matter; hardy campanula are both beautiful and easily grown. Let’s look at some of the more commonly available varieties.
A California garden in the English style (photo off the web)
Many of us admire the beauty and romance of English gardens, from formal estates to simple cottage plots. Clipped parteres, pleached lime allees, thatched bungalow pastorals, walled kitchen enclaves — the United Kingdom is unrivaled for its iconic gardens and soaring arboretums.
Blessed with a mild rainy climate and a wealth of plant collections, no other nation has elevated horticulture quite the way the British have. Indeed, gardening there is practically a national past-time. Even city dwellers cherish their “allotments” and balcony pots.
It’s tempting to want to recreate these looks in a North American landscape. But our vastly different growing conditions can make success with many English cultivars a challenge. But there are ways to merge English ideas with American innovation to get comparable, if not entirely authentic outcomes. The results can be just as lovely.
What are some ways to do this? Here’s one approach to get you thinking. Feel free to borrow or adapt whatever appeals to you.