Small Conifers for Tight Spaces

Korean Silberlocke fir needles, close up.

Who doesn’t love conifers, those graceful needled trees and shrubs that stay beautiful year round for almost no care? We admire their proud outlines on our walks, or laden with lights at the holidays. Just the word “conifer” brings to mind twisted pines, stately spruce and snow-covered fir forests. Yet as much as we covet them, our properties are often too small for more than one or two of these beauties, if that. They take up waaayyyy too much space– or so we tell ourselves.

Luckily there are some terrific smaller choices on the market which provide all the benefits of standard-size conifers (except shade) without compromising space. Think of “dwarf” conifers as you would any other small to medium-sized shrub.

A Fall Blooming Magnolia

It’s Labor Day weekend already! Where did the summer go? After broiling heat and a lashing by hurricane Ida last week, it’s wonderful to have cooler air and some upcoming blue skies to signal the change.

Unlike this past spring, my dwarf magnolia has been slowly budding up these last two weeks, preparing for a prolific repeat bloom.  

This cultivar usually puts out just a few flowers at a time all summer, provided it gets plenty of moisture. Ida’s record deluge certainly gave it that. Now it’s putting on a show that surpasses last spring’s.

What a surprise! Who doesn’t welcome a magnolia in full flower in late August and September?