Playing with Texture and Shape

One way to coax a bit more interest out of your garden is to consider texture and shape. Pay attention to how they look next to each other. Do they coordinate or contrast? There’s no right or wrong here, it’s all about what you like personally. Luckily, successful matchmaking in the garden is significantly easier than it is in romance!

Of course we all live for those happy accidents when serendipity surprises us with a plant combination we didn’t see coming. Wow, how’d that happen! But there are ways to increase the odds.

Here are a few tips for intentionally creating more winning combinations!

Versatile Grasses

Ornamental grasses are one of those plant families that you either like a great deal or you don’t. (By ornamental, I mean the taller clumping varieties, not turf or groundcovers like carex and liriope.) One reason these grasses are under-utilized is a lack of imagination in using them effectively. The more you know how to play up their best features, the more there is to like.

I wasn’t always a grass fan. But after experimenting with several cultivars over the years I’ve come to truly appreciate their texture, drama and heft. Most are super-easy to grow and nearly disease-proof. They come in varying heights and habits too, so you’re sure to find one that works in your landscape.