Which Witch Hazel? Take Your Pick

Jelena, blooming in January

If you’re looking for a cheerful addition to offset dreary days, look no further than witch hazel (Hamamelis). This small to medium understory tree fits easily into most yards and isn’t fussy about care. It blooms in late winter through early spring, often opening as soon as a warm spell occurs.

This is usually February through April in zone 6, but this year my hybrid cultivar Jelena opened in January, as soon as temperature warmed. You can’t beat that for winter pizzazz!

A Fall Blooming Magnolia

It’s Labor Day weekend already! Where did the summer go? After broiling heat and a lashing by hurricane Ida last week, it’s wonderful to have cooler air and some upcoming blue skies to signal the change.

Unlike this past spring, my dwarf magnolia has been slowly budding up these last two weeks, preparing for a prolific repeat bloom.  

This cultivar usually puts out just a few flowers at a time all summer, provided it gets plenty of moisture. Ida’s record deluge certainly gave it that. Now it’s putting on a show that surpasses last spring’s.

What a surprise! Who doesn’t welcome a magnolia in full flower in late August and September?