Which Witch Hazel? Take Your Pick

Jelena, blooming in January

If you’re looking for a cheerful addition to offset dreary days, look no further than witch hazel (Hamamelis). This small to medium understory tree fits easily into most yards and isn’t fussy about care. It blooms in late winter through early spring, often opening as soon as a warm spell occurs.

This is usually February through April in zone 6, but this year my hybrid cultivar Jelena opened in January, as soon as temperature warmed. You can’t beat that for winter pizzazz!

Feeding Bluebirds in Winter

A male bluebird enjoys a snack during a brutal cold snap

Bluebirds have been making a comeback in our neighborhood for some time now. While a few pairs are definitely around in spring and summer, I notice them mostly in winter. That’s because they band together in flocks for protection and to search for food. Their bright blue and russet colors are easy to spot against the dull gray of winter.

Unlike many birds, bluebirds are not seed eaters. They prefer insects supplemented with berries, both of which are often in short supply at this time of year. Because their diet is so limited they benefit from human help. This is especially true during brutal cold snaps. All birds need extra calories to keep warm, especially at night when the mercury plunges.